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The post conquest aftermath

The post conquest aftermath

Saturday, November 27, 2010


"Western man is so surrounded by ideas, so bombarded with opinions, concepts, and information sources of all sorts, that it becomes difficult to experience anything without the intervening filter of these structures. And the natural world – our traditional source of direct insight – is rapidly disappearing. Modern city-dwellers cannot even see the stars at night. This humbling reminder of man’s place in the greater scheme of things, which human beings formerly saw once every twenty four hours, is denied them. It is no wonder that people lose their bearings, they lose track of who they really are, and what their lives are really about.”

- John Michael Crichton


  1. yes. Was thinking and remembered this episode, when I was in a Volvo (read huge side windows) from Bangalore to Mumbai, and sometime in the night, it started raining heavily. There was a huge flash of lightning and thunder. The bus and the road outside were dark. That lightning streak was so bright and powerful, that if people had seen it, they would have been silenced into place by it. It was awesome.
    now, it's sad how we can't even see the sky from our desks...

  2. stormy night and huge flash of lightning! i still shudder when i remember the night, chasing storm with my mate. a beauty with its own magnificent magnitude :)
